
Disaster Recovery

Seven core strategies for cloud disaster recovery solutions

“Disaster recovery”, or DR, and “backup” are sometimes used interchangeably—however, there is a critical difference between the two. A backup is a secure copy or copies of important data, whereas disaster recovery is the method by which backups are restored in the event of data loss. Organizations sometimes overlook creating a disaster recovery plan, but […]

Revolutionize the way you protect your enterprise with Cloud Disaster Recovery solutions that are documented, tested, and proven to work

When considering disaster recovery (DR) in the cloud, companies must rethink the complex and costly approaches they’ve grown accustomed to. The digital landscape has transformed to favor streamlined, easily managed virtual infrastructure that is ready to activate at a moment’s notice. Because of this, there is no better solution than the public cloud for disaster […]

Managed Disaster Recovery using Microsoft Azure

Take the case of a large Canadian privately-owned passenger transportation company. The transportation service provider is a long-time OnX Canada client, which is why they turned to us when it came time to streamline their DR infrastructure that supports more than 4,000 employees in four operating divisions located at numerous sites across Canada. Serious challenges […]

Lessons learned From 2018: Patch management remains a challenge

Real-world solution OnX Canada recently aided a client, a national grocery retailer, that serves all 10 Canadian provinces’ food shopping needs. The client acquired a similar large business and needed to realign its organization while still remaining competitive in the marketplace. It was also concerned about upgrading and integrating technology between the businesses and was […]

Why disaster recovery is an investment in your company’s future success

When the lights return after seven seconds that feel like hours, you’ll forget about the few thousand dollars you invested in a generator. You’ll be grateful you avoided countless millions in malpractice claims. But most of all, you’ll have a chance to save the patient. Determining the ROI of disaster recovery Disaster recovery is about […]

Why DR to Azure is the Right Data Protection Solution for Your Company

Regionally dispersed companies that must store data within the borders of a specific nation. Microsoft has data centers around the world, which helps accommodate nation-based compliance concerns. Companies that have not developed a comprehensive disaster-recovery program, but would like to get moving on one soon. Companies with relatively simple disaster-recovery needs and looking for a […]

4 Steps to Accelerate Your Azure Deployment: Fast Track

Speed is another of the core attractions of the Azure cloud because operations can be standardized and you don’t have to buy and install hardware. In theory, transitioning to Azure is a speedy process. In reality, making the transition to Azure can be long and tedious if you don’t think everything through. For more information, […]

3 Reasons to Document Your DR Testing

You don’t know for sure who will be doing the recovery Creating a thorough disaster recovery plan that is well documented is one of the most critical components in your ability to get your business back up and running in the event of a major impact event. Major events can take the form of power […]

3 Essential Steps for Disaster Recovery Testing

Avoidance and procrastination are not good options — especially in an age of high-profile cyberattacks. DR programs have to be tested to work out the kinks and discover unanticipated problems. Taking these three steps will help your company get serious about disaster recovery testing: Step 1. Create a culture of testing Start with the assumption […]

4 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a DRaaS Provider

Where is your DR site? The night Hurricane Sandy hit the New York metropolitan area in 2012, some Manhattan companies that backed up to New Jersey data centers found themselves in a major jam: The storm had knocked out power across the entire region, crippling backup sites as well as main sites. Conclusion: You want […]

IT Security Patching and Vulnerability Management

How best to optimize your IT security patching? It can be useful to first break down patches between those that address functionality or incorrect code in an application/OS, and those which address security. The first requires an understanding of how the applications and operating systems work in concert and, therefore, what new code enhancements may […]

Traditional Backups are not for IT Disaster Recovery

CREDIT UNION GOES TO MANAGED CLOUD FOR TIGHTER SECURITY AND ZERO DATA FOOTPRINT Read the Case Study I like to look at an IT disaster recovery model like the OSI model for networking. At the bottom of the model layers 1-3 would be traditional backups. The middle layers 4-5 would be storage array replication. This […]

Succeed with Every IT Disaster Recovery and Business Recovery Test / Exercise

What IS surprising? Why such mature elements, like IT disaster recovery and business continuity, that are so critical to the continuity of business operations and revenues – and in some instances the overall survival of the business – are in such a sorry state? There are not volumes written on these topics which you can […]