Posts By Keith Talbot

Three essential pillars of contact center security best practices

The contact center world has undergone significant changes due to the rise of hybrid working models. Now, administrators have to oversee agents across the globe, utilizing new methods of reaching customers through voice, chat, instant messaging, video, and SMS messaging. With this new way of working, administrators benefitting from increased efficiency must also contend with […]

Elevate user experience with a cloud contact center

Today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape forces organizations to constantly seek new ways to improve customer satisfaction and employee engagement. Cloud contact centers are transformational solutions that streamline communications and collaboration, empowering agents to deliver exceptional support. Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) helps organizations elevate communications without substantial investments in new infrastructure using serviced-based cloud […]

CXsync offers powerful contact center solutions for enterprise businesses

CXsync was created to address these challenges and to provide enterprise-level contact center solutions for businesses of all sizes. A hosted Contact Center as a Service solution, CXsync combines three core technologies into a seamless platform: By utilizing cloud technology, CXsync offers advanced features and functionality that would otherwise be unaffordable to small businesses. In […]