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How CIS Controls Can Simplify Cybersecurity

It’s easy to feel intimidated by the CSF from the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). With 23 categories and 108 subcategories detailing key aspects of cybersecurity, the framework might seem as impossible (and as unappetizing) as eating an elephant. It’s hard to know where to begin. But like any valuable and effective undertaking, […]

How do you ensure the security of your supply chain?

So what should you do if you have been impacted by this criminal attack? I’ve had similar considerations in my time as a security leader—here’s my take. First, if you have cybersecurity insurance, hopefully you have called your insurance provider and you are working with them to obtain the necessary resources to get back up […]

Ransomware-proof your enterprise with Canada’s ITSG-33 security framework

Equipped with a thorough understanding of these security frameworks and the support of a dedicated security partner like OnX Canada, organizations can strengthen their defenses against cyber threats. A robust IT security program can give your company the ability to assess ever-changing risks and take measures to establish security policies, conduct ongoing testing and training, […]

What is NaaS, and what can this solution do for my enterprise?

Table of Contents An ideal solution no matter the vertical or business size What is NaaS? A future-forward solution for your organization Implementing Cisco Meraki can improve your network Clients may ask: What is NaaS, and how can it benefit my enterprise? This OnX technology provides businesses with an easy-to-use means of supporting, maintaining, expanding, […]

Let OnX navigate your journey to AWS for government

Additionally, AWS provides commercial cloud capabilities for unclassified data, allowing governments to execute their goals with a common toolset and providing the flexibility to rapidly adapt to changing mission parameters. This blog will touch on how AWS—with OnX as a reliable provider—can meet the top IT challenges facing Canadian government organizations. Also read: The Road […]

Delivering a trustworthy cloud for government service

With assistance from OnX, government agencies are migrating from silo-laden, hardware-centric data centers to the virtual ecosystem of the cloud. Integrated cloud resources are compiled to meet the needs of specific workloads, meaning they can be easily returned to a common pool upon completion of a job. Consumption scales dynamically according to work volume, offering […]

Secure business growth with an AWS Well-Architected Framework

A public cloud managed by OnX Canada and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework can help organizations achieve this transition while benefitting the bottom line. In a recent Magic Quadrant report, Gartner lauded AWS as a hyperscale provider boasting a portfolio of startups, SMBs, and large enterprises. With a proven certified partner like […]

Educators embracing powerful remote learning technology through OnX, Vendor of Record for Ontario

OnX Canada delivers a host of technology solutions to meet the most pressing remote learning challenges, including safeguarding student data, unifying voice and network communications, and custom applications. Through the implementation of Cisco Webex, OnX enables educators and students to collaborate in real time in a clear and seamless manner.   Businesses and government agencies […]

SD-WAN advantages for your hybrid work-from-home model

For example, VMware SD-WAN creates an agile platform that allows enterprises to securely deploy, manage, and monitor their public, private, and wireless networks. The management and analysis processes are offloaded to the solution provider. Partner with OnX Canada to create your ideal NaaS solution and realize the benefits of a fully managed network, complete with […]

How Microsoft Workloads on AWS can enhance your enterprise cloud

This blog will elaborate on how a partner like OnX can deliver on the promise of Microsoft Workloads on AWS. Also read: How to realize maximum benefits from migrating to the cloud AWS offers broad and exciting capabilities Boasting more than a decade of experience and enterprise adoption, AWS is the ideal cloud to run […]