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Building buy-in to move your company toward unified communications and collaboration

That’s why businesses are transitioning to cloud-based unified communications as a service (UCaaS) to keep their teams connected through one reliable, flexible platform. By combining enterprise voice services like local, long-distance, and toll-free telephony, with innovative remote communications and collaboration tools and mobility features, hosted UCaaS from OnX Canada can transform the way your organization […]

How to transform your data security program with automation

OnX Canada is simplifying data security environments for modern enterprises by leveraging the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. This technology allows for role-based access control, security, auditing, and delegation, utilizing both the REST API and the traditional command line interface (CLI). The platform gives users seamless access to an extensive lineup of functions, including security, […]

Combining SD-WAN & NaaS to safeguard collaboration technology now and in the future

Today, OnX Canada is adding to a suite of proven network solutions, offering bundles that leverage the cloud computing capabilities of software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) and Network as a Service (NaaS). These bundles allow remote staff to access private networks from any device or location, resulting in the scalability and bandwidth necessary to facilitate […]

How to achieve a successful UCaaS migration

Audit existing equipment To make the most of UCaaS, you must begin with a clear understanding of the communication tools your team is already using. A thorough audit of your equipment will set the foundation for your deployment strategy. Establish an accurate inventory of all your company’s devices, such as handsets, tablets, desktops, smartphones, and […]

Create an agile digital foundation for your mobile workforce

By unifying communications and collaboration services across any device their mobile workforce employees prefer, savvy companies are preparing their contact centers and other customer support platforms for an ever-evolving digital future. Forging ahead with the latest innovations—especially those with built-in resilience and security—will ensure you stay competitive minus the risk of damaging downtime. That’s particularly […]

The key factors in choosing UCaaS over traditional PBX

OnX Canada is helping organizations work smarter and more nimbly as they evolve from PBX into future-forward unified communication and collaboration (UC) solutions. History to now Though PBX has a long history as Canada’s choice phone system, it has limited business application functionality in contemporary office settings. Like many older phone networks, PBX exists largely […]

Revolutionize the way you protect your enterprise with Cloud Disaster Recovery solutions that are documented, tested, and proven to work

When considering disaster recovery (DR) in the cloud, companies must rethink the complex and costly approaches they’ve grown accustomed to. The digital landscape has transformed to favor streamlined, easily managed virtual infrastructure that is ready to activate at a moment’s notice. Because of this, there is no better solution than the public cloud for disaster […]

What to look for in a cloud security partner

Empowering advanced enterprises with cutting-edge data security solutions is a vital part of the OnX identity, and it has been the OnX mission for more than 30 years. Security best practices are ingrained into everything OnX does daily. It’s also part of the OnX mission to meet clients where they are in their journey to […]

OnX Canada recognized as Technology Excellence Partner of the Year by Cisco

Since the development of the COVID-19 public health crisis earlier this year, the business world at large saw an exponential increase in demand for effective and streamlined remote work strategies and collaboration technology. OnX Canada is one of many influential solution providers working to meet this challenge head-on by advancing remote communication capabilities and delivering […]